Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Holy Spirit Dwelleth With You and Shall Be In You

The homework assignment was to read 1 John, 
find the passages that mention the Holy Spirit, 
and see what the letter says about the Holy Spirit.

Without the indwelling presence, and subsequent activity and enablement, of the Holy Spirit, there is no Christian spiritual life.

  • Did you find a statement in 1 John that says that you lose the filling of the Holy Spirit when you sin?
  • Does the letter of 1 John say anything about losing the filling of the Spirit?
  • Did you find a statement saying that confessing your sins results in the filling of the Holy Spirit?
  • Throughout the letter, is there anything at all about the Holy Spirit that is conditioned in any way by whether or not we confess our sins?
The answer to each one of these questions is NO. Not in 1 John.  If we are going to make the case that 1 John 1:9 is how you are filled by the Spirit, we are not going to be able to make that case from 1 John.

Read and Listen:   Spiritual Gifts Part 377: I have a confession to make.