Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Holy Spirit Dwelleth With You and Shall Be In You

The homework assignment was to read 1 John, 
find the passages that mention the Holy Spirit, 
and see what the letter says about the Holy Spirit.

Without the indwelling presence, and subsequent activity and enablement, of the Holy Spirit, there is no Christian spiritual life.

  • Did you find a statement in 1 John that says that you lose the filling of the Holy Spirit when you sin?
  • Does the letter of 1 John say anything about losing the filling of the Spirit?
  • Did you find a statement saying that confessing your sins results in the filling of the Holy Spirit?
  • Throughout the letter, is there anything at all about the Holy Spirit that is conditioned in any way by whether or not we confess our sins?
The answer to each one of these questions is NO. Not in 1 John.  If we are going to make the case that 1 John 1:9 is how you are filled by the Spirit, we are not going to be able to make that case from 1 John.

Read and Listen:   Spiritual Gifts Part 377: I have a confession to make.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Not only have some wives already succumbed and have forsaken their own husbands in their hearts, but also some husbands have succumbed as well to these false teachers and have relinquished their God-given headship over to these Wicked Shepherds.

 ".....As the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives
and husbands, and all church members, be subject
to their own spiritual overseers in everything....."
There are times in many marriages where a husband and wife have disagreements and where loves’ flame has dwindled, but this is when God's unconditional love should override our own selfish personal desires.  Unconditional love is God's love.  When you were married, you made promises to God and to your spouse (for better, for worse; in sickness, and in health; for richer, for poorer; 'til death do us part...and for you wives, "to be in subjection").
Is a husbands decision to question the “pastor”, or church doctrine, or policy, or even to leave the church to attend another, so evil and rotten that wives are being “counseled” to separate or even divorce if necessary from them? 

Or is it that these poor deluded women have been poisoned in their minds by the church leaders into thinking that she must help them in dealing with her “husband's sins.”  A spouse who would otherwise be willing to "tough it out" through the struggles of marriage, often ends up filing for divorce because of some “elder” who brainwashed them to do things his way instead of the spouses' way.
Woe unto the rebellious wife who forsakes her husband!

But thank God for the few loyal wives who didn’t fall for these shenanigans. Thank God for all the loving mothers who didn't have to think whether or not to raise her children without their father.  For the loyal wife, there was no decision to make; there was no choice in the matter as to whom she will and must submit.

Wives Don't Plucketh Down Your House

Many foolish women have listened to the godless counsel of "the elders" and have DESTROYED their marriages and their husbands!

A wife has no one to answer to except her husband.  He is the only one in the world who she is united to.  Women have been poisoned in their minds by the “church”.

There is no greater role for a woman in this world than being at her husband's side at all times.  "Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands."
Proverbs 14:1 

What kind of wife are you?

Eve turned aside after Satan by taking bad advice.  Eve was deceived!  Women are more often led into spiritual error than men.  Why does a husband need to protect his wife?…
2 Tim. 3: 6-7For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

What some of you wives should have done in the past, and what some of you wives need to do now when some "church leader" shows you an “apparent scripture” that supposedly states you are to submit to them or “counsels” you as to possible separation and/or divorce, is to tell him to shut up and then leave before you pluck your house down with your hands.  Proverbs 14:1

See Full Article:  http://www.wickedshepherds.com/awordtothewives.html 


Wife & Church Relationship

Families, and wives in particular, are falsely being taught from many pulpits today that the “eldership" and/or "pastors” have a "supposed" authority and rulership that reaches higher and is even greater than what a husband and father has in the home, especially when it comes to “spiritual matters.”

This is total unbiblical nonsense.  And unless many people start to wake up and take notice and learn, many more marriages are going to be destroyed.

Oh how clever these men are.  Once the people are induced to imbibe this false teaching, the “elders” know that the “bait” has been successfully set.  Now, if there happens to appear a spouse who “sees the light” and begins to perhaps question a particular point in a sermon, or might disagree with a particular church issue or doctrine, the elderships’ so-called “position of authority” overrules in the home and the “disaffected” party must submit to the position of the church, or else!

Instead of placing herself in alignment with God's prescribed order of headship and submitting to her husband and prospering in the blessing of a fruitful marriage, many wives are placing their “pastor” as their head instead of Christ, and of necessity, replaced their husbands as their head!  This all being done with the “blessings of the eldership!”

“Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord..."   No where in the Scriptures are women ever told to “submit to their pastors.”

Eph.5:22 Wives, be in subjection unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Eph.5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church,        being Himself the Savior of the body.

Eph.5:24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives also be unto their own           husbands in everything.  
Instead of the Scriptural order of God, Christ, Man, Woman; now it has become God, Christ, pastor/church, man, woman!
Instead of the Scriptural command to wives that they be subject to their own husbands in everything; now it has become wives be subject to your own husbands in everything.......domestic!

Instead of the Scriptures stating that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ also is the head of the Church; now we have “The Eldership" being head over both of them……even as Christ is head of the Church!

And instead of having, “What God has joined together, let not man put asunder”; we now have “Let the ‘pastor’ put asunder, what God has joined together.” 

It doesn't get much crazier than this!   Take heed of the warning:  Surely, right before our very eyes, evil men and imposters are waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  2 Tim. 3:13.

For full article:   http://www.wickedshepherds.com/awordtothewives.html