Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wife & Church Relationship

Families, and wives in particular, are falsely being taught from many pulpits today that the “eldership" and/or "pastors” have a "supposed" authority and rulership that reaches higher and is even greater than what a husband and father has in the home, especially when it comes to “spiritual matters.”

This is total unbiblical nonsense.  And unless many people start to wake up and take notice and learn, many more marriages are going to be destroyed.

Oh how clever these men are.  Once the people are induced to imbibe this false teaching, the “elders” know that the “bait” has been successfully set.  Now, if there happens to appear a spouse who “sees the light” and begins to perhaps question a particular point in a sermon, or might disagree with a particular church issue or doctrine, the elderships’ so-called “position of authority” overrules in the home and the “disaffected” party must submit to the position of the church, or else!

Instead of placing herself in alignment with God's prescribed order of headship and submitting to her husband and prospering in the blessing of a fruitful marriage, many wives are placing their “pastor” as their head instead of Christ, and of necessity, replaced their husbands as their head!  This all being done with the “blessings of the eldership!”

“Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord..."   No where in the Scriptures are women ever told to “submit to their pastors.”

Eph.5:22 Wives, be in subjection unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Eph.5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church,        being Himself the Savior of the body.

Eph.5:24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives also be unto their own           husbands in everything.  
Instead of the Scriptural order of God, Christ, Man, Woman; now it has become God, Christ, pastor/church, man, woman!
Instead of the Scriptural command to wives that they be subject to their own husbands in everything; now it has become wives be subject to your own husbands in everything.......domestic!

Instead of the Scriptures stating that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ also is the head of the Church; now we have “The Eldership" being head over both of them……even as Christ is head of the Church!

And instead of having, “What God has joined together, let not man put asunder”; we now have “Let the ‘pastor’ put asunder, what God has joined together.” 

It doesn't get much crazier than this!   Take heed of the warning:  Surely, right before our very eyes, evil men and imposters are waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  2 Tim. 3:13.

For full article:

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